Climate change

This topic deals with its causes, symptoms and consequences for nature and people

Effects of climate change II

"The most unjust thing about climate change is that it affects mostly those who have not caused it, whose island realms and hunting grounds sink into the sea, while we build snow cannons and complain about hard ski slopes. This is collateral damage from our lifestyle which we do not want to acknowledge.” Pohl, Christian; Sustainability researcher, ETH Zürich und Akademie der Wissenschaften

The brunt of the impact of summer droughts, extreme temperatures, intense rainfall and the following floods, a reduction in ice and snow, acidification and warming of the oceans, intensification of tropical cyclones and sea-level rise is felt in developing countries, despite their relatively small contribution to climate change. This imbalance between those who increasingly drive global warming ahead, and those who feel the consequences of climate change, creates worsening global injustice.

Which statements relate to industrialised countries and which to developing countries?

They lack the necessary funds for the construction of defences against flooding.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Costs necessary to adapt to rising sea levels could account for 5-10% of the gross domestic product of many countries.
Correct answer: Developing countries
80% of global energy use takes place in them, which is largely produced using fossil fuels which release CO2 when burned.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
A large proportion of annual deforestation is attributable to them.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Partial transformation of tropical rainforests to savannah due to lower rainfall.
Correct answer: Developing countries
They account for less than 20% of the world’s population and are responsible for more than half of the CO2 emissions in the 20th century.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
The average annual meat consumption of over 100kg per person leads to mass farming techniques which in turn release huge amounts of methane.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
60 million people are in threat due to the rise in sea level. The increase leads to massive problems with the water supply through rising groundwater salt concentrations and loss of habitat.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Effects of climate change in these countries increasingly take on life-threatening proportions.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Agricultural production, from which 75% of the poorest people live, is more heavily affected by the risk of droughts, intense rainfall and soil erosion. According to the FAO, 11% of the areas in these countries are at risk.
Correct answer: Developing countries
On average, every second person has a car.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
There is little government support and almost no insurance policies against natural disaster.
Correct answer: Developing countries
High water consumption.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
Those affected by climate change, for example due to floods, tornados or crop failure can count on aid from the state which secures their existence.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
Famine worse, since agricultural opportunities are worsening due to climate change in the tropical and subtropical areas.
Correct answer: Developing countries
The risk of being affected by a natural disaster is about 100 times higher.
Correct answer: Developing countries
A whole range of early warning and response systems is available.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
Production of up to 20 times more greenhouse gas emissions than the earth can handle long term, through heating, lighting, traffic and the manufacture of goods.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
Due to poorer health care, the danger of falling ill to diarrhea and cholera epidemics is higher in flooded periods.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Despite the initial signals, the effects of global warming are still relatively unfelt.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
There are few care facilities and early warning systems for natural disasters available.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Agriculture could benefit from longer growing periods and warmer temperatures.
Correct answer: Industrialized countries
Suffer more from increasingly severe water shortages as there is not enough money for the technology and infrastructure needed for efficient water management.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Greater dependence on food imports, and export losses affect the state budget of a country.
Correct answer: Developing countries
About 1/7 of the world's population produces only about 3% of total CO2 emissions globally.
Correct answer: Developing countries
2/3 of deaths due to weather disasters occur in these countries.
Correct answer: Developing countries
Carry 75-80% of the costs of climate change.
Correct answer: Developing countries


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