Climate change

This topic deals with its causes, symptoms and consequences for nature and people

Did you know that …

  • … the word “climate“ comes from the Greek and means „incline“? Because sun is one of the most important factors that influence the climate, the phenomenon was named after it. It is: the steeper the angle, the hotter the region.
  • … the nights have warmed more by the greenhouse effect, as the days?
  • … cattle are one of the biggest polluters of methane? Worldwide the 1.4 billion cattle produce 80 million tons of methane per year, thereby strengthening the greenhouse effect.
  • … the ice has diminished in the Arctic by one third since the 70s? Consequences are an increase of the sea level and the destruction of habitat.
  • … burning 1 ton of waste produces one ton of CO2? An average EU citizen produces 500 kg of waste per year.
  • … in 2010 300 million people were victims of climate-related natural catastrophes and disasters? Often in countries with few resources to cushion the impact.
  • … warm storms are more violent than cold ones? The main reason for this is explained in physical terms: air warmed by 1°C can hold 7% more water.
  • … by 2050, if the climate change is unchecked, the number of hungry people worldwide will rise further by 10-20%?
  • … since the 1950s it is observed that less sunlight reaches the ground? The reason for this is mainly the air pollution with fine dust particles from industrial combustion processes.