This module encounters the multi-faceted nature of poverty in both, developing and industrialised countries
Exercise 2
Below you will see two different maps of the world, in which the surfaces of the individual countries have been adjusted proportionally in relation to a particular topic. What subjects are being addressed here? Choose the right title to every world map from the drop down list. (Girls without primary education or Maternal mortality)

© Copyright SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)
Correct answer: Girls without primary education
The map shows the unequal distribution of the sexes in relation to the enrolment of girls and boys at the primary level. The gap, in terms of enrollment rates of girls and boys, is particularly large in India, Yemen, Chad, Benin and Niger. Seen globally fewer girls than boys attend primary school, only in Bangladesh, Gambia, Iran, Malawi, Namibia and Mauritania are there more girls.

© Copyright SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)
Correct answer: Maternal mortality
The map shows the global distribution of women who die either during pregnancy or within 42 days after the birth of the child due to complications. The maternal mortality rate in 2005 was 536 000 women. The map shows that the likelihood of dying from the consequences of pregnancy is the highest in South Asia and Africa, the lowest chances are found in Western Europe and Japan.