
This module encounters the multi-faceted nature of poverty in both, developing and industrialised countries


Which forms of measurement do these statements fit to? (Sometimes one statement fits more than one method)

This measurement of poverty is based solely on monetary indicators

Correct answer: Head Count Index (HCI)
The aim of this method is to incorporate the subjective view of people affected by poverty

Correct answer: Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA)
In this method, various aspects of poverty are compiled into one index

Correct answer: Human Poverty Index (HPI); Human Development Index (HDI); Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
Poverty is expressed not only by a lack of income or consumption, but is also associated with a lack of health care, nutrition and education, as well as inadequate social relationships, insecurity and low self-esteem. All these dimensions of poverty are ignored entirely by this approach

Correct answer: Head Count Index (HCI)
This technique highlights the equal or unequal distribution of resources

Correct answer: GINI-Coefficient
These approaches measure poverty quantitatively (using statistics)

Correct answer: Head Count Index (HCI); Human Poverty Index (HPI); Human Development Index (HDI); Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI); GINI-Coefficient
Direct levels of income are not involved in the calculation of this index

Correct answer: Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
This method takes account of psychological wellbeing too

Correct answer: Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA); Gross National Happiness (BNH)
In these methods, subsistence (self-sufficiency through self-cultivation) is not considered

Correct answer: Head Count Index (HCI); Human Poverty Index (HPI); Human Development Index (HDI); GINI-Coefficient


Häusler, Imke (2011): Armut als globale Herausforderung. Duisburg: Kindernothilfe
Immel, Karl-Albrecht/ Tränkle, Klaus (2011): Aktenzeichen Armut. Globalisierung in Texten und Grafiken. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag