
This module encounters the multi-faceted nature of poverty in both, developing and industrialised countries

Strengths and weaknesses of the MDGs

The Millennium Development Goals are an important tool in the fight against poverty. However, they are not totally uncontroversial and there are many points of criticism regarding their development, design and application.


Immel, Karl-Albrecht/ Tränkle, Klaus (2011): Aktenzeichen Armut. Globalisierung in Texten und Grafiken. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Bildung für alle – eine globale Herausforderung (2011):Katholisches Frauenwerk in Österreich-Referat Entwicklungspolitik: http://www.kath-kirche-kaernten.at/images/OEKE-bilder/kfb_Bildung_f%C3%BCr_alle_eine_globale_Herausforderung2011.pdf