This module encounters the multi-faceted nature of poverty in both, developing and industrialised countries
Exercise 1
Here you can see a world map, in which the area of each country is proportionally adjusted to the extent of a particular issue. Try to find out what the topic addressed here is by choosing the right answer from the list.

Government health expenditure
Government health spending in this context signifies all financial means which a government spends on health care. The direct health care costs for individuals are reduced accordingly for the population of the country.
HIV spread
This representation of HIV prevalence refers to 15 to 49 year olds. Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) means one’s immune system is under attack. If this infection is not treated, it normally leads to immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which in turn increases the risk of further infections and tumor formation.
Lack of sanitation
The graph shows the number of people who have no access to basic sanitation. Simple sanitation here means a private toilet, or one shared among acquaintances within walking distance of the residence, which prevents contact between human and animal excreta.