
This module encounters the multi-faceted nature of poverty in both, developing and industrialised countries

MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)

To combat poverty, protect the environment and to advance equality between the sexes, in 2000 the UN General Assembly adopted a declaration - the so-called Millennium Development Goals. These are 8 goals to be achieved by the Member States by 2015. Read the goals and fill in below the number of the goal dealing with the mentioned issue.

  1. The number of people who live on less than $ 1.25 (€ 0.90) per day will be halved. The proportion of hungry people is to be reduced by half.
  2. All children should be enrolled at, and receive at least one full course of, primary schooling. In addition, all 15 – 24 year olds will be able to read and write.
  3. Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education.
  4. The spread of HIV / AIDS and the major tropical diseases should be stopped. This means using preventive care and better drugs.
  5. The mortality rate of infants and children should be reduced by two-thirds and all infants vaccinated against measles.
  6. Reduce maternal mortality by three quarters, and all births are to be supervised by trained health personnel.
  7. The principles of sustainable development are to be integrated into the policies and programs of each state and the loss of environmental resources eliminated. In addition, the proportion of people who lack access to clean drinking water is to be halved and the living conditions of 100 million slum dwellers should be significantly improved.
  8. This goal includes, for example, the increase of official development assistance from the rich countries to 0.7% of gross national income and an improvement in the design of economic and financial systems. Development cooperation projects and programs should use less tied grants and the funding of social services such as education, health and water should be regulated.


Immel, Karl-Albrecht/ Tränkle, Klaus (2011): Aktenzeichen Armut. Globalisierung in Texten und Grafiken. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag