The module explains global interdependencies, its controversial aspects and how it affects our daily lives
„We are all affected by globalisation – even before we all know exactly how it actually works. Therefore we must try to grasp what is happening and why.” Speech in Berlin in 2002 by Johannes Rau (former German President).

Your daily life is bound up with global relationships, which means that globalisation affects your life. Global developments have an impact on your life and, so to speak, you are networked with the world. But globalisation not only affects your life, but also the realities of life for people worldwide. Therefore it is important to recognize global processes, to understand the world around us and to develop globally acceptable and responsible ways of thinking.
In this module you will find out what is behind the buzzword globalisation and what you personally have to do with it. You will get to know the effects and dimensions of globalisation, deal with the causes and contradictions of this rapid global integration and become aware of global connections, dependencies and policies.
- 23 pages
- Opening questions
- Closing questions
- 2 practical exercises for which you will have to leave the computer and go in search of your consumer products
Estimated length of the module: approx. 4 hours
- Developed by: Koshina Switil, Baobab