
The module explains global interdependencies, its controversial aspects and how it affects our daily lives

What is my main role?

My duties range from securing world peace to the protection of human rights and promoting international cooperation in all fields. I also check whether the law is upheld.

My main organs are the General Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice and the Security Council. Since I am composed of almost all the countries in the world, I am also able to promote dialogue between the economically weak and strong states. I'm unsuccessful when the five permanent members of the Security Council (U.S.A., Russia, France, Britain and China) do not pursue a common line, but rather follow their national interests with their veto decisions.
Correct answer: United Nations Organisation, UN
The owners of my capital are the Member States. The capital as well as the distribution of votes are linked to the economic performance of a country. This means that the higher the premium payment, the higher the vote. My main task is to increase both the lending to developing countries and the standard of living as well as to promote measures to combat poverty.

I am frequently criticized for focusing my efforts too much on economic growth, while environmental and social factors are neglected.
Correct answer: The World Bank
I monitor the monetary policy of the Member States. My main task is to keep currencies as stable as possible, so that their exchange is facilitated (convertibility), also I try to create a fixed exchange rate and fight inflation (devaluation of money). I also grant loans to help countries in financial crisis. The loans that I lend, are subject to conditions. These conditions include the elimination of subsidies and government debt, government spending cuts and the fight against inflation. I am occasionally criticized for this.

On joining me, each Member State pays a deposit, this is calculated from the GDP, the share of world trade, capital flows and currency reserves. The higher the ratio the higher the share of the vote. Therefore, the economically developed countries have more say in decisions than economically weak ones.
Correct answer: International Monetary Fond, IMF
Among my main tasks I count the reduction of tariffs, market liberalization and the establishment of a global trading system. I also mediate in cases of disputes in international trade. I am often criticized as the liberalization of markets benefits multinational corporations especially and because I push social and environmental interests into the background.

For me, all Member States have a right to vote and are therefore equal. In practice, the industrialized countries put their interests through more frequently. For example, they ask the developing countries to give up their trade barriers in exchange for the opening of the markets of industrialized countries. However, they often protect themselves with so-called non-tariff barriers to trade (subsidies, product standards or anti-dumping procedures).
Correct answer: World Trade Organisation, WTO
I work independently and am financed by party donations and membership fees, in terms of content I deal mainly with the economic dimension of globalisation. The namer of the Tobin tax (FTT) criticized me as I stand politically far left.

The questioning of our economic system is close to my heart, therefore I deal with information and campaign work, develop political demands and network with civil society initiatives. I call for democratic control of financial markets, a democratic and social Europe and a sustainable agricultural system, an end to locational competition, a fair global trading system, tax equity and comprehensive social security.
Correct answer: Attac
I am independent of the state and industry, am financed solely through donations and deal mainly with the ecological dimension of globalisation. My environmental campaigns are mainly concerned with the following topics: climate, oceans, forests, agriculture and genetic engineering as well as environmental toxins and consumption.

I am frequently criticized for my activism. As my staff often gain direct access to companies or government buildings, I am accused again and again of trespassing, as happened for example in 2013, as activists unfurled a poster with the inscription "CO2 problem" on the roof of the Volkswagen headquarters.
Correct answer: Greenpeace
Donations and membership fees finance me. I am politically independent and active in both campaigns and PR as well as education and advocacy. The latter is especially crucial to ensure that human rights are incorporated into international agreements. In 1977, I received the Nobel Peace Prize.

I stand for the worldwide observance of human rights and uncover human rights violations. For example, I am committed to protection against torture and the death penalty, for the protection of human rights defenders, refugees and asylum seekers and to ensuring effective control of the arms trade. I am accused by some states of one-sidedness in my assessments of non-Western countries. I am also criticized for using a lot of resources to win funds and members.
Correct answer: Amnesty International

Böhm, Wolfgang/ Lahodynsky, Otmar (2008): Globalisierung. So funktioniert die weltweite Vernetzung. Linz: Veritas