
The module explains global interdependencies, its controversial aspects and how it affects our daily lives

Innovations in transport technology

Transcontinental railway links, road, shipping and aviation enable the rapid transport of people and goods over long distances. Due to technical developments in all four areas, but especially with the invention of airplanes, travel speeds have increased tremendously. Within 200 years, the maximum travel speed of about 18 kilometers per hour has risen to over 1000 km/h.

To get a feel for how the speed of travel has increased over the years, arrange the transport methods according to their average speeds.

Correct answer: 5-6 km/h
Correct answer: 6-10 km/h
Horse and carriage (around 1700):
Correct answer: approx. 2 km/h
Horse and carriage (around 1850):
Correct answer: approx. 10 km/h
Sailing ship:
Correct answer: approx. 18 km/h
Steamer (around 1840):
Correct answer: approx. 16 km/h
Freight liner (today):
Correct answer: approx. 50km/h
Car (around 1905):
Correct answer: approx. 15 km/h
Car (around 1940):
Correct answer: approx. 50 km/h
Car (today):
Correct answer: approx. 120 km/h
Steam train:
Correct answer: approx. 105 km/h
Train (today):
Correct answer: approx. 190 km/h
High speed train:
Correct answer: approx. 300km/h
Plane (around 1950):
Correct answer: approx. 450 km/h
Plane (today):
Correct answer: approx. 850 km/h
