Klimatické zmeny
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Dow, Kirstin/ Downing, Thomas E. (2007): Weltatlas des Klimawandels. Karten und Fakten zur globalen Erwärmung. Hamburg: Europäische Verlagsanstalt
Carstensen, Regina/ Hoffer, Michael (2007): Einfach das Klima verändern. 50 kleine Ideen mit großer Wirkung. Munich: Pendo Verlag
Tiemann, Dorothea (2011): Krimi, Killer & Konsum. Das etwas andere Klima! Münster: BUNDjugend
Schüppel, Katrin (2007): Klimawandel und Klimaschutz. Informationen, Hintergründe, Diskussionsanregungen. Mülheim/Ruhr: Verl. an der Ruhr
Rainer, Gerhard/ Markut, Theresia/ Gyimesi, Kristin (2012): Klimawerkstatt 1. Unterrichtsmaterialien Klima. Vienna: Klimabündnis Österreich
Omphalius, Ruth/ Azakli, Monika (2008): Klimawandel. Würzburg: Arena Verlag GmbH
Nel/ Sakurai, Heiko/ Schot van der, Bas/ Stuttmann, Klaus/ Hax-Schoppenhorst, Thomas (2008): Prima Klima! St(r)icheleien zur globalen Krise. Aachen: MVG Medienproduktion und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft (2005): Wetterkatastrophen und Klimawandel. Sind wir noch zu retten? Munich: pg Verl.
Latif, Mojib (2007): Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt? Hintergründe und Prognosen. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer Taschenbuch
Kromp-Kolb, Helga/ Formayer, Herbert (2005): Schwarzbuch Klimawandel – Wie viel Zeit bleibt uns noch? Salzburg: Ecowin
This platform offers information and concrete educational materials and ideas for classes
An online strategy game which places you in the roles of company leaders and faces you with climate protection decisions
The report „Emission Gap 2012“ by the UNEP
An emissions calculator for flights and information about climate friendly travel
You can calculate your own personal ecological footprint here
The internet page of the film “A good day has 100 points”. You can analyze your own day, see how many points your day to day activities cost and look for alternatives
The Austrian climate portal provides a wealth of information and reports in both German and English
What would the world look like if the size of the individual countries was decided by, for example, population, energy use or income? On this website you can find various versions of world maps
The local consequences of global warming are shown on this map
An international initiative which informs people about climate protection measures
You can find information and illustrations about the greenhouse gas emissions of certain industrialised and developing countires
Reports and information from the European Environmental Agency on, among others, the topic of climate change
The internet page of the global organisation for meteorology which deals with the topic of the climate in general and in particular with the state of the earth’s atmosphere, the oceans and the distribution of water resources
The international association for climate change provides a wealth of reports on global climate change