Climate change

This topic deals with its causes, symptoms and consequences for nature and people

Climate protection measures

"The severity and rate of climate change are dramatic, the time window to act even tighter than feared and – and this is crucial – due to this, economic and environmental interests can no longer be reconciled over longer timescales.“ Steinmeier, Frank-Walter; SPD Party Leader in the German Federal Parliament

The climate cannot be stable and will continue to change. The questions that arise in this context especially, are: how quickly it is changing and how we handle it. The call to do something about global warming, is aimed at both politicians and economists, as well as at each individual. To reduce or mitigate the speed and the effects of global warming, climate policies are being developed at the international, national and local levels. However, various interests of business, politics and society always clash, which complicates the implementation of these policies and regulations.

Now get to grips with various examples of climate protection at three levels:

  • Global
  • National
  • Local