Gender equality

This topic reveals what gender equality means and how gender roles are projected to our social reality

Gender mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming (implementation of Gender view point) is a political tool to promote Gender equality. The principle of Gender mainstreaming is anchored in the Treaty of Amsterdam which all EU Member States undertook to apply.

The crucial idea on which mainstreaming is based: The inclusion of the Gender dimension is considered to be an essential part of the solution to social, economic and environmental problems.

Gender mainstreaming has played an important role not only in the legislative process in the EU, but also in the management of public resources. In particular, the use of structural funds is conditional on analysis of Gender impact. This is first and foremost, what impact the use of public funds will have on progress in Gender equality – how currently Gender equality is fulfilled in the area for which the project is meant, and what positive change the project will bring, how many women and men will participate in the project, what concrete profit the implementation of the project will bring for women and men (financial, material, as well as institutional), whether the project supports stereotypical perceptions of masculinity and femininity and stereotypical Gender roles - these and similar questions should be answered prior to implementation of any project.


Imagine that you have 20 000 EUR to promote sports activities for youth. Suggest a project that will meet the principles of Gender mainstreaming (apply Gender aspect). Use the following procedure:

  1. Analyse sports opportunities for young people in your area (city, street, housing estate) from a Gender perspective,
  2. Identify the Gender equality limitations in this area,
  3. Suggest goals to promote Gender equality in sport for youth in your region,
  4. Choose goal(s) you can realize,
  5. Suggest the steps for implementation and a procedure involving young women and men, girls and boys in the project (ideal would be if they were involved in all phases).

More about Gender Mainstreaming:Annex 5