Civil society

This topic explains what civil society means, how does it work and how we can valorise it

I do not want to establish NGO

But what to do when you do not want to establish NGO? Now think if you were interested in contributing to civil society and help. What could you do on your own? Do you have any ideas which you can come up with?

Here are few alternatives you can do instead of starting your own nonprofit but want to be helpful:

Would you like to help to elderly people once a week? You can volunteer or work in an existing nonprofit that shares this mission. Usually, you can contact them via hospitals or other healthcare establishments. You can also help with other issues such as giving home to children from children’s’ home for weekends or give immigrants conversation classes in your mother tongue.

Do you have an interesting idea on a new smartphone application which will simplify uncover illegal dumping, but you are not eligible to ask for grant? Find a nonprofit with a similar mission that could act as your fiscal sponsor. Fiscal sponsorship enables projects to share a common administrative platform with a larger organisation, thus increasing efficiency. This arrangement may help you become eligible for more funding opportunities without obtaining your own exempt status.

Investigate the concept of social enterprise, which may take form of a low-profit limited liability company or a B-corporation. B-corporation or benefit corporation is a corporate form that works in the United States designed for for-profit entities that want to consider society and the environment in addition to profit in their decision making process. Explore the options whether something similar can be founded in your country. The purpose of a benefit corporation is to create general public benefit, which is defined as a material positive impact on society and environment.