
This topic focuses on ecological issues, the role of mankind and what we can do for the sustainable future of our planet

Exercise 2

You have now gained a bit of a feel for your direct water use. However, alongside direct use, there is also indirect use. This is often termed virtual water, that is water which is necessary for the production of a product (planting, harvesting, manufacturing, transport and preparation). For example, the production of a t-shirt requires 4,100 liters of water and the rearing of 1kg of beef 13,000 liters. Due to our lifestyle we therefore use water not only in our own water-rich country, but also in other, often water-deficient regions of the world.

How is global water use divided up in detail, that is to say, for what is water used globally?

Correct answer: 10%
Irrigated agriculture
Correct answer: 70%
Industry and power supply
Correct answer: 20%

