
Tipy a doporučené materiály

The international association for climate change provides a wealth of reports on global climate changeKlimatické změnyEnglish
The internet page of the global organisation for meteorology which deals with the topic of the climate in general and in particular with the state of the earth’s atmosphere, the oceans and the distribution of water resourcesKlimatické změnyEnglish
The report „Emission Gap 2012“ by the UNEPKlimatické změnyEnglish
Reports and information from the European Environmental Agency on, among others, the topic of climate changeKlimatické změnyEnglish
You can find information and illustrations about the greenhouse gas emissions of certain industrialised and developing countiresKlimatické změnyEnglish
An international initiative which informs people about climate protection measuresKlimatické změnyEnglish
The local consequences of global warming are shown on this mapKlimatické změnyEnglish
What would the world look like if the size of the individual countries was decided by, for example, population, energy use or income? On this website you can find various versions of world mapsKlimatické změnyEnglish
The Austrian climate portal provides a wealth of information and reports in both German and EnglishKlimatické změnyEnglish
The internet page of the film “A good day has 100 points”. You can analyze your own day, see how many points your day to day activities cost and look for alternativesKlimatické změnyEnglish
You can calculate your own personal ecological footprint hereKlimatické změnyEnglish
An emissions calculator for flights and information about climate friendly travelKlimatické změnyEnglish
An online strategy game which places you in the roles of company leaders and faces you with climate protection decisionsKlimatické změnyEnglish
This platform offers information and concrete educational materials and ideas for classesKlimatické změnyEnglish
Kodex Hammurabi (1772 v.Chr.)Lidská právaDeutsch
Zyrus Charta der Menschenrechte (539 v.Chr.)Lidská právaDeutsch
Magna Charta Libertatum (1215, England)Lidská právaDeutsch
Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte (1948)Lidská právaDeutsch
UN-Kinderrechtskonvention 1989Lidská právaDeutsch
UN-Menschenrechtserklärung für Menschen mit Behinderung (1975)Lidská právaDeutsch