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WOLF, Naomi. 2000. Mýtus krásy. Bratislava : Aspekt, 352 s. ISBN 80-855-4915-8Seksa egalecoSlovenčina
ZÁBRODSKÁ, Kateřina. 2009. Variace na gender (Postkulturalizmus, diskurzivní analýza a genderová identita). Academia, 197 s. ISBN 978-80-200-1752-9Seksa egalecoČesky
Zákon č. 365/2004 Z. z. o rovnakom zaobchádzaní v niektorých oblastiach a o ochrane pred diskrimináciou (antidiskriminačný zákon) v znení neskorších predpisovSeksa egalecoSlovenčina
European Commission webpage on gender equalitySeksa egalecoEnglish
European Pact for equality between women and men for the period 2011-2020Seksa egalecoEnglish
CEDAWSeksa egalecoEnglish
Beijing Platform for ActionSeksa egalecoEnglish
Gender mainstreamingSeksa egalecoEnglish
Európean glossary „100 words for equality“Seksa egalecoEnglish
Gender Mainstreaming: Conceptual framework,methodology and presentation of good practice., Strasbourg, May 1998Seksa egalecoEnglish
Glosár rodovej terminológie (Gender Terminology Glossary)Seksa egalecoSlovenčina
ACKER, Joan. 1990. Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations. In Gender & Society, Vol. 4, No. 2, s. 139 – 158Seksa egalecoEnglish
ANG, Ien. 1996. Living Room Wars. Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World. London : Routledge, 208 s. ISBN 0-415-12801-3Seksa egalecoEnglish
BEM, Sandra. 1993. The Lenses of Gender. Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality. New Haven and London : Yale University Press, 244 s. ISBN 0-300-06163-3Seksa egalecoEnglish
BUTLER, Judith. 1990. Gender Troubles. Feminism and subvention of identity. New York : Rotledge, 236 s. ISBN 978-0-415-38955-6Seksa egalecoEnglish
CONNEL, Robert. 1995. Masculinities. Los Angeles : University of California Press, 295 s. ISBN 0-520-08999-5Seksa egalecoEnglish
CONNELL, Robert W. 2000. The Men and the Boys. Cambridge : Polity Press, 250 s. ISBN 0-7456-2633-5Seksa egalecoEnglish
FRIEDAN, Betty. 2002. Feminine Mystique. Praha : Pragma, 596 s. ISBN 80-7205-893-2Seksa egalecoEnglish
KIMMEL, Michael. 2008. The Gendered Society. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press : New York, 334 s., ISBN 0-19-514975-0Seksa egalecoEnglish
LISTER, Ruth. 2003. Citizenship : Feminist Perspectives. 2nd ed. New York : Palgrave, 323 s. ISBN 0-81-475196-2Seksa egalecoEnglish